Kickstarter and The Bacon Jams

Robert Scott

Kickstarter gave me the opportunity to create my company, without it and the people who backed my project the GrowlTap might have become a pipe dream. I’ve backed several KS campaigns and I’ve been thrilled with how they have turned out. Having funded my company through Kickstarter I know just how hard it is to get exposure for new campaigns, I alsdo know that there are great Kickstarter campaigns that don’t get anywhere near the attention that the deserve. That’s why I’m going to be adding a page on the website where I can feature any impressive Kickstarter campaigns that catch my eye.

I don’t have time to setup the page yet but I’ve got my first underrated Kickstarter campaign:

The Bacon Jams

I was contacted by The Bacon Jams folks last week asking if they could send me a sample and let my supporters know about it if I liked it. I of course said yes because I am always looking for a new bacon delivery method. I’m currently munching on the red chile and garlic jam. It’s got great flavor, it spread easily, and I’ll definitely be backing them. So check out The Bacon Jams on Kickstarter! If you have any other Kickstarter products that you think I should check out please let me know in the comments.


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